Monday, June 30, 2014

I joined BRD!


Yay! I joined Bearville Rainy Days! Look it up, it's awesome! Anwaaaaay, I'm so excited. I've already made my siganture and avatar c: I'm Jess2138 so if you are on there pleassse friend me. :-) And if you aren't join! It's a Bearville message board that's really awesome.

Best part is, I was the 100th member so I got a blue baseball cap from BettyRainbow9! :) (Thanks Rainbow :-D)


Sunday, June 22, 2014



Hello everyone.

I am back.

After two months. :P

I'm sorry!

I am now using this as a roleplay account for Anna Bjorman. But I will still post as JoannaCheerbear103.

More soon!
